Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Exclusive: The "Be Very Afraid" Blogger Behind DListed

Alex Catarinella: Why do you think American society is so fascinated with celebrities?
Michael K: I think it's simple. People are nosy and love reading juicy stuff about other people's lives. When they are sitting in the office with not much to do, reading about celebrities is easy. It's junk food. You really don't have to think about it.And the more you read, the more you want to know what happens next. So you kind of track their lives to see how it's going to play out. Sort of like a never-ending soap opera. It's also kind of fun to trash people you don't know. It is.

AC: How has the celebrity blog affected how we see celebs?
MK I think before the blogs, people never really heard others trash celebrities on a public forum. The tabloids and the entertainment shows have all been pretty nice to celebrities. Sometimes they are bitchy, but not nearly as biting as the blogs are. Also, I think blogs gave us permission to laugh at celebrities together. It's sort of a community. Like an us against them thing. Sort of.

AC: Perez totally feeds off his blog and created his own celeb -- how do you feel about this/are you trying to do this?
MK: It's what Perez wants. He wants fame, so it works for him and more power to him for going out there and getting it. I can't really say anything bad about that. It's just not my style. I don't want to become a celebrity, because then suddenly I'm on that side. I like staying on my side. It's much more fun for me.

AC: What would you say is the difference between the typical celeb gossip blog vs. a magazine/tabloid?
MK: Most of us don't have to fact check, because we just post already published stories. We can do things faster, because we don't have a staff of a dozen looking over every little thing. A tabloid is weekly, a blog is up-to-the-minute. And as I stated above, we can be a littler bitchier, because it's our opinion.

AC: Why do we enjoy seeing celebs at such highs and lows?
MK: Like I said before, because it's a story. We get caught up in their highs and lows. When they're riding high, it's more fun to kick at them, because they seem to have everything. And when they're low, some of us like to gently kick at them and some like to root (is that how you spell root?) for their comeback.

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