Monday, May 4, 2009

Web Tips: How to Be Famous (For a Week or Two..)

Talk about instant fame. A few weeks ago, the Internet introduced us, big time, to Kari Ferrell, AKA the "Hipster Grifter"... Seriously, Gawker couldn't get enough of her. You can even buy your very own Hipster Grifter t-shirt. And now, just about two weeks later, nobody seems to care... Oh, how we heart Internet fame. [[UPDATE: She's not letting go of those 15 minutes yet! The Hipster Grifter is in custody!]]
[From my Flavorwire article] Long story short: Kari Ferrell seemed like the perfect little hipster complete with a pixie cut, a penchant for indie music, and a conversation starting tattoo, and therefore was a shoe-in hire for Vice magazine. And then the whole “don’t judge a book by its cover” fail occurred. While we’re not professionals, it’s safe to say that the girl is crazy. Using her Vice employment to score free swag and skip lines at clubs? To be expected. Lies about having three months to live because of lung cancer and being el prego? Holy Amy Winehouse. Now a permanent fixture on everyone’s people-I-don’t-know-but-hate shit-list, let’s follow the Hipster Grifter’s super entertaining blogosphere trajectory. (For the timeline: 15 Minutes and Counting: A Hipster Grifter Timeline)
Image via Flavorwire

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