Sunday, May 10, 2009

Exclusive: Kathleen Sweeney on Living in a "Cinderella Culture"

Kathleen Sweeney, pop culture pundit, author of the fantastic MAIDEN USA, multi-media artist and New School professor took the time to sit down with me and get our celebrity chit-chat on.

Alex Catarinella: How has a celebrity gossip blog such as Perez influenced how we see the female celebrity? Do we and why do we praise the "good" celebrities like Angelina who seem to have the perfect life and put down those with issues like Amy Winehouse?

Kathleen Sweeney: What’s clear is there’s a pantheon of icons out there to choose from. And with blogging and Internet viral transmissions of news, that pantheon has expanded to include true heroines who use their status to promote causes for the greater good (like Angelina Jolie, Susan Sarandon, etc) and those whose claim to fame originates with bad girl behaviors like Amy Winehouse. The blogosphere has given rise to a host of citizen critics (caricatured by the SNL clip you posted on your blog), who often use avatars to diss the creative performances and daily actions of others. Perez has created his own fame base through sniping, which has been the purview of critics for eons. What intrigues me far more than this activity is those who have harnessed the Internet for social change. It is up to us as individuals to determine how we want to spend our Web time.

AC: Have SNSs and celebrity gossip blogs introduced a new type of celeb?--one that is famous for their missteps and scandal rather than talent. And with SNSs, everyone can be a celeb. What does this say about American culture?

KS: Social Networking site design relies on a template that is similar to 90s-style fan pages. In the Facebook era, every has the potential to be a celebrity on their own terms, with their own helicopter shot…while celebrities of the celluloid era, 60s, 70s, even 80s had their share of tabloid dramas, the pedestal on which they were placed was fairly secure until violated with scandal. Nowadays, the level of tabloid scrutiny has increased as well as people’s own sense of themselves as potentially comparatively more important. Celebrity royalty has been taken down a few notches, and emphasis on mistakes and missteps may well be part of this.

AC: What's your perspective on young and troubled starlets like Lindsay, Britney, etc. Why the fascination with them?

KS: Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears, despite vast differences in their core talent base, were both packaged by the Disney machine. They began as girl-stars within the franchise (Lindsay as the star of movies like The Parent Trap, where she successfully played two distinct characters at the age of 11, and Britney, as a featured singer/dancer on the Mickey Mouse Club). Using very sophisticated marketing techniques, Disney corporation orchestrated a sexually titillating “coming of age” ritual for both of these stars, with key covers at the age of 18 on predominately guy magazines like Rolling Stone, and high pop mags like Vanity Fair (we saw the same strategy with Miley Cyrus this year…). As each of these starlets approached 18, you couldn’t get away from tabloid and mainstream magazine coverage of their arrival on the adult scene. It’s as if they lost their virginity to the collective gaze of millions. Thus the fascination that follows into the tabloid press. They gave up an intimate personal rite of passage and agreed to make it public. That both young women grew up as working actresses from an early age meant they likely knew no other world, no other way. That their families and parents gave the okay to this entrĂ©e into starlet society remains questionable, as they all cashed in on a huge sacrifice made by both young celebrities: to grow up under a huge spotlight, rather than in the privacy of their own girlish daydreams. Since one of their biggest rewards financially was “selling off” their “virginity,” in the circus of pop culture, and they weren’t able to “grow up” on their own terms. The result appears to be a perpetual adolescence in drugs, acting out, and self-destruction. (See the chapter “Lipstick Lolitas” in my book Maiden USA…)

AC: Do you think that the obsession with being "famous" is celeb gossip blogs and reality TV's fault? Do they celebrate individuals who will do anything to be famous-- for not wearing underwear, for getting drunk, etc. What are the implications of this desire for fame that doesn't involve talent or hard work?

KS: We live in a Cinderella culture where the mythology of Hollywood from its earliest days spun the “a star is born” storyline. This belief, that anyone with the right combination of talent and luck can become a celebrity has been multiplied through reality TV and Internet self-stardom venues. That some will tell-all, undress, make provocative statements to gain an audience comes as no surprise when the stardom dream still holds so much power for a large sector of the population. Doesn’t it remind you of high school? It’s reflection of a certain sector of youth culture that doesn’t grow up, let go of the vapid star dream and to become engineers of renewable energy technologies, stellar teachers, or social change activists. Sending those seed ideas and other forms of innovation into the stratosphere/blogosphere has only begun to be tapped as an evolutionary possibility.

AC: How has SNSs like Facebook, Twitter or Youtube created instant celebs and what's your perspective on these sites? Do you think in the future individuals can have long lasting fame from being a reality TV star or for a Youtube sensation?

KS: The Internet fame dream has proven most effective for musicians, more than actors. Some truly talents songwriters have gained traction through iPod play and YouTube videos who would have otherwise never made it to the promotion team at a label. Examples include Kate Nash, Lily Allen, and recently Neko Case. As for actors, legitimacy still comes from the stage, TV series, and film. So far, Reality TV provides a proverbial 15 minutes at most.15 minutes at most.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Exclusive: The "Be Very Afraid" Blogger Behind DListed

Alex Catarinella: Why do you think American society is so fascinated with celebrities?
Michael K: I think it's simple. People are nosy and love reading juicy stuff about other people's lives. When they are sitting in the office with not much to do, reading about celebrities is easy. It's junk food. You really don't have to think about it.And the more you read, the more you want to know what happens next. So you kind of track their lives to see how it's going to play out. Sort of like a never-ending soap opera. It's also kind of fun to trash people you don't know. It is.

AC: How has the celebrity blog affected how we see celebs?
MK I think before the blogs, people never really heard others trash celebrities on a public forum. The tabloids and the entertainment shows have all been pretty nice to celebrities. Sometimes they are bitchy, but not nearly as biting as the blogs are. Also, I think blogs gave us permission to laugh at celebrities together. It's sort of a community. Like an us against them thing. Sort of.

AC: Perez totally feeds off his blog and created his own celeb -- how do you feel about this/are you trying to do this?
MK: It's what Perez wants. He wants fame, so it works for him and more power to him for going out there and getting it. I can't really say anything bad about that. It's just not my style. I don't want to become a celebrity, because then suddenly I'm on that side. I like staying on my side. It's much more fun for me.

AC: What would you say is the difference between the typical celeb gossip blog vs. a magazine/tabloid?
MK: Most of us don't have to fact check, because we just post already published stories. We can do things faster, because we don't have a staff of a dozen looking over every little thing. A tabloid is weekly, a blog is up-to-the-minute. And as I stated above, we can be a littler bitchier, because it's our opinion.

AC: Why do we enjoy seeing celebs at such highs and lows?
MK: Like I said before, because it's a story. We get caught up in their highs and lows. When they're riding high, it's more fun to kick at them, because they seem to have everything. And when they're low, some of us like to gently kick at them and some like to root (is that how you spell root?) for their comeback.

Image Via

Monday, May 4, 2009

Web Tips: How to Be Famous (For a Week or Two..)

Talk about instant fame. A few weeks ago, the Internet introduced us, big time, to Kari Ferrell, AKA the "Hipster Grifter"... Seriously, Gawker couldn't get enough of her. You can even buy your very own Hipster Grifter t-shirt. And now, just about two weeks later, nobody seems to care... Oh, how we heart Internet fame. [[UPDATE: She's not letting go of those 15 minutes yet! The Hipster Grifter is in custody!]]
[From my Flavorwire article] Long story short: Kari Ferrell seemed like the perfect little hipster complete with a pixie cut, a penchant for indie music, and a conversation starting tattoo, and therefore was a shoe-in hire for Vice magazine. And then the whole “don’t judge a book by its cover” fail occurred. While we’re not professionals, it’s safe to say that the girl is crazy. Using her Vice employment to score free swag and skip lines at clubs? To be expected. Lies about having three months to live because of lung cancer and being el prego? Holy Amy Winehouse. Now a permanent fixture on everyone’s people-I-don’t-know-but-hate shit-list, let’s follow the Hipster Grifter’s super entertaining blogosphere trajectory. (For the timeline: 15 Minutes and Counting: A Hipster Grifter Timeline)
Image via Flavorwire

Video of the Day: Paris Hilton For President

Sure, this video may not be relevant post-election. But Paris Hilton's infamous response to John McCain's campaign ad which compared Obama to Hilton is brilliant. Because when a politician mentions Britney Spears and global warming in the same sentence (and when the Terminator is a Governor), you know that something's going on...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Exclusive: Mr. Mickey Talks Celebs

You've probably seen this pop culture guru on VH1's "The Fabulous Life..." where he dishes on all things celebrity. Mickey Boardman, AKA Mr. Mickey, is the Deputy Editor of PAPER Magazine, fashion extraordinaire and forever a red carpet presence. Whether he's writing his hilarious column or sitting front row with the likes of Lindsay Lohan during Fashion Week, Mr. Mickey knows his celebrity scoop.

Alex Catarinella: We're now in a time when a disastrous celebrity moment that would have been the end of a career is a claim to fame. When did this start?

Mickey Boardman: Well I think Paris Hilton's sex-tape was a watershed moment. Before that it was considered every star's worst nightmare to be exposed in a sex scandal that way but the tape actually made Paris a much bigger star. A few years ago I saw in the Paper a survey that asked teenaged girls who they'd most like to be like and the number 1 answer was Paris. And this was AFTER the sex tape scandal. Pamela Anderson had a sex tape also but she was really already considered a porn star of sorts so it didn't really create that much of a brouhaha. That said Paris, and most of the other stars who've had sex tape scandals ( Kim Kardashian, Ray J etc) still struggle to be taken seriously as performers. Paris is still mostly famous for being famous. Even though she made a cute record (Stars Are Blind is fun!) and has been in movies, TV shows and in ad campaigns she's really thought of as a party girl or fame whore.

AC: What's the difference between a celeb gossip blog and a magazine?

MB: I think that at most legitimate magazines there is a level of professionalism and journalistic integrity. You don't make fun of how people look. You don't print scurrilous rumours without real verification. You act like a responsible journalist. Meanwhile a blogger like Perez Hilton, who has TOTALLY changed the face of gossip journalism, writes the posts on his website as if he's writing a personal e-mail to a friend. 'Girl that Britney Spears is a crazy whore! She must be on crack!" A real magazine in the past just wouldn't do that except the Enquirer and even a gossip paper like that would at least 'act' like they were reporting serious news. 'Pop-singer Britney Spears erratic behavior has alarmed her friends and fans alike. One insider says, "We're worried she's using drugs, perhaps even crack.'What really bothers me about this shit-talking tone (and I love Perez) is that it encourages the commenters to be even more heinous. They seems to think that if the blogger can talk smack that all rules are off and they can say the nastiest most insulting things about anyone. It really lowers the tone and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.

AC: Over 50 years since her death, people still are fascinated by the rise and fall of Marilyn Monroe... Why do we enjoy seeing celebs at such highs and lows?

MB: We love a soap opera and the best soap operas have crazy highs and lows. I hope that people don't actually want to see big stars take tumultuous falls but I guess they do! But people also love a comeback story. Look at Liza Minnelli. Look at Britney. Look at Mariah. If you think of it in cinematic terms people love a crazy series of plot twists. No one wants to watch normal people live their normal lives.Lately I feel like people have been turning on Beyonce and I think it might be because she's the opposite of Marilyn Monroe. She's absolutely professional and sane and has no ugly drama in her life. I think some people find that boring and want a trainwreck type of celebrity. When Britney was having her breakdown people couldn't wait to get on-line or watch TMZ to see her latest exploits and frankly I think people hated to see Britney get better (if she even can really be called better). Maybe people hate to think of someone else having success and fame and wealth and the idea that celebrities are more fucked up that us comforts people. Personally I like celebrities who've had interesting sections of life and career like Mia Farrow or Jane Fonda. Kirsten Dunst is a more modern example of someone who's had a few different eras in her life although now she's a bit messy and for me that gets depressing and sad after awhile.

AC: Why do we have such high expectations of celebs now? (Heroes like Angelina, Lance Armstrong, etc... ) Are the days of celebs as just entertainers long gone?

MB: I think we've always had high expectations of celebrities. If you look back to the 40s and 50s celebrities were presented as these god-like creatures who were so special. The media was so controlled by studios then whereas now there are so many gossip magazines and blogs so it seems like the few celebs like Angelina and Lance that are worshipped as heroes are few and far between. I for one worship Angelina. I don't even see her movies but I think her humanitarian work is amazing and I think she's great. Maybe I'm a sucker and a fool but I don't think I am. I've heard from people at the UN that she really does tons of great work for them that we don't even hear about. Add that to the fact that she's gorgeous, a bit crazy, a second generation celebrity and a bit of a man-eater and how can you resist Angelina? She's a REAL movie star. The closest thing we have today to Ava Gardner or Rita Hayworth. So of course she inspired worship. Lance is a different kind of hero because he defied all the odds and became the greatest cyclist in history (at least I suppose that's what he is). America LOVES that kind of story. Rags to riches or overcoming disease or beating all the odds. I think we do expect celebrities and rich people to be examples and to do charity work since they 'have it all.' But I think people have always expected that. Maybe it's just more in the media because so many celebrities do charity work or have foundations or go to charity events and pretend to care!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Perez Hilton On Celeb Culture and Blogging...

What differences between the British and American celebrity scenes have you noticed?
Perez Hilton: There’s a lot more reality TV stars who are famous in the UK. Celebrity culture as a whole is a very aspirational thing and here it’s a lot more attainable, because you have all these reality TV stars who are famous, all those Wags – anyone can date a soccer stud. And I think in the UK people here like their stars to be real and more flawed. You don’t need that image of perfection.

Why did you start blogging about celebrities in the first place?
Perez Hilton: Because I didn’t want to write about myself.

Haven’t you found yourself doing that anyway?
Perez Hilton: Erm, not as much as I write about celebrities.

How do you explain the general obsession at the moment with celebrity culture?
Perez Hilton: I don’t think it’s anything new – I think people have always been obsessed with it. I just think that celebrity news has become more mainstream now because it’s so profitable, so everyone is talking about it.

If you could change one thing about celebrity culture, what would it be?
Perez Hilton: Um. Good question. I wish there was a way to make it more universal. I would love to have more characters to write about and more people to write about. You know, I try to keep up with the UK celebrities, but it would be good to see what’s going on with celebrities everywhere, worldwide.

So do you find yourself writing about the same celebrities over and over again?
Perez Hilton: Well the good thing is, I get to write about whomever I want, so it’s not just the same ones, but still, you could always use more.

Via Orange

Behind the Scenes at TMZ

"TMZ has forever changed the way celebrity news gets reported by pulling back the curtain to reveal how celebrity news gets decided upon. And it's not pretty..."